Big Horn Mountains Region Wildlife Photos
(Click on thumbnail image to view a larger picture - large photos
may take a short while to load) |
Three Pronghorn Antelope bucks near Lake DeSmet just north of
Buffalo, Wyoming |
July 2001 photo of a Pronghorn Antelope. |
Nice Bull Elk shading himself under a tree in the Wildlife Park in
Sheridan, Wyoming. |
Cow Elk in the Wildlife Park in Sheridan, Wyoming. |
Another shot of the Sheridan Wildlife Park Bull Elk - Photo taken
8/17/2001 |
Wild Turkeys on the east edge of town in Buffalo, Wyoming |
Bison in the Bison Park in Thermopolis, Wyoming. Don't get
too close to these guys - they are unpredictable and there are numerous cases of those
people with lesser intelligence getting the horn or worse! A sign at a Bison ranch
east of Buffalo, Wyoming reads something like "If you cross this field, you'd better
be able to do it in nine seconds, because the Buffalo can do it in ten!" |

These Bison (Buffalo) are also in the fenced wildlife viewing area
in Sheridan, Wyoming |
Group of Mule Deer near the Bud Love Winter Game Range just outside
of Buffalo, Wyoming |

single Mule Deer near the Bud Love Winter Game Range just outside of Buffalo, Wyoming |
and baby Whitetail Deer near the Bud Love Winter Game Range just outside of Buffalo,
Wyoming |

Bull and Cow Moose along Red Grade Road which runs between the town of Big Horn, Wyoming
and Route 14 west of Burgess Junction. |
Magpie - one of Wyoming's prominent scavenger birds |
All photos taken by Rob Yingling,
Owner/Webmaster of BighornMountains.Com |